Golden Sunflowers

Golden Sunflowers – 9×12 Oil Painting on Gessoed Board

Golden Sunflowers, Oil Painting by Winifred

I will never get enough of painting sunflowers and painting them is such a great way to test new product performance – in this case texture. I have begun to experiment with oil paint mediums – making my own. I add these products to oil paint to change the physical characteristics and the feel of the paint on the canvas or board. I created the rich thick translucent impasto product, to my paint to create the impasto sunflowers. Impasto can be created with paint only but these mediums extend the paint and vary it in other ways which I prefer. There are many minerals and mix in so many potential combinations to create different results. I can put my products into an empty tube, label it and have it available whenever I want to use it. I try to both paint, study and experiment everyday. Loving it!

 try to both paint, study and experiment everyday.

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