Rest In Peace George Floyd

Rest In Peace George Floyd

Rest In Peace now George Floyd. Rest In Peace in the Arms of Your Loving Mother. The world heard the cries from your suffering and torture, witnessed your murder and we won’t let them get away with it.  Know now that your death will not be in vain, as through our anger and pain, a new generation has arisen to experience the power of protest against injustice, indignity, exploitation and racism. Rest In Peace George Floyd.  You’ve inspired renewed struggle and resolve. Rest In Peace George Floyd, you may join your Mother – your work is done. You will live in our hearts and memories forever. We mourn. Date of this Police Killing, May 25, 2020. There are so many more!! 

Please NO comment about the painting. You may comment about the state of racism in this country and the world if you so desire. I have known and/or experienced racism, directly and indirectly in this country all my life. I always considered prejudiced or racist people stupid people and I never listened to their attempts to demean or to limit me – but always sought to claim my best life. I have been fortunate in education, finances, family and self esteem. I can honestly say, however, that as a Black person in this country, I have never felt so targeted as unworthy and inferior as under the Trump administration. He must be removed! He is an embarrassment, a liar, immoral and dangerous.

We cannot be silent! To be silent is to be complicit. I don’t plan to turn this into a political forum. I wanted this to be a place to share my painting journey – but, this week – “my cup runneth over”. So many tears – so much sadness and pain. Winifred Whitfield

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