
We normally think of Miracles as some amazing occurrence which we could never have anticipated.  The “Course in Miracles” defines a miracle as “a change in perception” and says  “Miracles are natural when they do not occur, something has gone wrong”.  On every level, regardless of how you define it, I would have to say that I have been experiencing “Miracle after Miracle.”  Thank you Universe!

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I Believe I Can Fly!

Hello World!

This is me more than 99 percent of the time. I am positive energetic, creative and believe the sky is the limit.

This does not mean that everything goes my way or that I do not have challenges – but rarely does it get me down and for not very long.  I pay attention to my thinking  and try to stay away from negative thinking, limited thinking and judgment.  These type of thoughts get us in trouble.  When one thing is out of my control, I direct my attention to things I can control and attempt to have positive impact there.  When the economy slowed and I had less business, I used it as a time to create my book. Hence I remained focused, optimistic and fully engaged with an activity that was important to me.

I also engage consciously in positive self talk – you know, that little voice we hear all day long giving us feedback. That voice can be trained. It can be trained to tell you  things you need to hear to move forward.  It can be trained to offset the negative voices which may be part of your past – which may be holding you back – really it can.  It is amazing how much I like to hear myself praise myself for doing really good work.  I can feel a what feels like a separate being within me just “glow”.  I like to feel that I am in charge of  how I feel and how my life goes.  If something is not working  no matter how hard you work at it – well, it just may be that you need to let it go and to move in a new direction.  Sometimes we just need patience.

This image was taken by Pete Snell from Victoria when  group of us were in Vegas for WPPI and went to the desert to a ghost town to do a shoot.  The environment was so beautiful and I had my fabric with me to use for the models so I complied when the guys told me they wanted to photograph me.  This is a fun image so I am glad I allowed it to be created.

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