Trying Something New

Sunflowers Against Red Oil Painting by Winifred 11×14 on Panel

The first paintings and the one below represent a very recent new technique I am trying.  I spread onto my panel a relatively thick layer of  material to serve as an underpainting and then carved my image into it with the and of a brush or palette knife. At that point you can create additionally as much or as little texture through out.  I allowed it to dry for 2 months. I then painted in the dark outline surrounding each element before beginning to paint with loose imprecise  brush strokes and palette knife. 

Sunflower with Fuchsia 11×14 Oil Painting by Winifred

 I have created paintings ranging from those as precise as photographs to loose bold  painting strokes and texture like these.  This is one of my favorite styles.  I am very excited about this process and I love the results.  One of the wonderful things about oil painting is that you can never say you are done with learning and experimenting.  It’s endless, if you’re a curious person who loves to try new things and I am one of those people.  

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