Big Clay Vase

Big Clay Vase Against Silk Oil Painting 11×14 by Winifred Whitfield

I keep a folder on my computer titled “still lifes to paint”. This image has been in that folder since 2018. I set ip the still life and photographed it. I really like the image. I love the rough looking vase ( I guess it’s a vase) against the multi colored silk scarf over the shinny gold cloth. In no way did I feel I could paint it however. Besides, I found the digital file so pretty, I thought there was nothing I could bring to it anyway. And so, for all these years it sat. Every time I’ve come across it, however, I react to it in an admiring fashion. This week I decided I would try it. Afterall, I’ve been practicing for 7 years now. Unlike with painting roses, I actually enjoyed the process – I wasn’t miserable the whole time. Do you wonder what those orange objects are? I’m really not sure. I tried to make them resemble fruit or vegetables moreso than they did when I took them out of the bag of plastic objects I acquired from Goodwill long ago. Some objects in that bag actually looked like apples or oranges, others were not identifiable. They were shapes, with color and that’s all I really cared about.

You won’t believe what I’ve chosen to paint the coming week. I ‘m going back to misery painting roses. I keep thinking it’s got to get easier at some point. I took photos today and I’ve made my selection, guaranteeing you’ll see another “rose painting” in a week or two. The photo is pretty cute. Bye for now. Thank you for looking. Winifred

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