Heirloom Tomatoes

Three Heirloom Tomatoes Oil Painting by Winifred Whitfield

This is the second time I’ve painted a group of “three tomatoes. I waited until I was finished with the painting above before I looked back on the painting (below) created 5 years ago or so in order that it not influence me. I remembered my first tomato painting, below, was very blended and pretty realistic. I worked hard to make sure this latest painting (above) was more textured and loose. It was taken outdoors with a blue sky shining on them giving the cool highlights and creating significant contrast. Evergreens, form the background.

Neither painting was easy. I remember how difficult it was to blend the slight shifts in gradients in the first painting, below. This latest painting, the one above, should have been easier and it probably would have been had I not worked so hard to be true to the many shapes, ridges and color variations of the heirloom tomatoes. It has much deeper in color, more burgundy with green variations.

Red Tomatoes Oil Painting by Winifred Whitfield

I like both paintings for different reasons. I definitely like the background and tabletop of the painting above. Choosing a favorite is always complicated. Have a great week. Winifred

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