Blowing Hair

Woman with Blowing Hair 11×14 Oil Painting by Winifred Whitfield

Above, for the most part, I focus on tones and contrast and expression in my portraits. I use very little color. That surprises me but as I look at any group of my portraits paintings that is what I see and I’m fine with that.

Below: On rare occasions, color takes over.

Woman on Steps in Guatemala 8×10 Oil painting by Winifred Whitfield

It’s more so the color of my imagination rather than from the reference. This photo image by Daphne and Art Carlyle. It’s fun to paint little figurative images like this, as opposed to “serious” portraits because I feel comfortable in focusing less on accuracy and details. I enjoyed creating the color and loose textured brush strokes.

Yesterday and today it snowed – just enough to be pretty! Very little is left. The scene below was taken about midnight from my balcony.

Snow Photo – from by Balcony – December 3, 2022

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Figurative and Abstraction

Lady Carrying Load – Guatemala 16×12 Oil Painting by Winifred

There was no abstraction in the photo reference. It was a normal street scene with a building in the background, a door, a window, a street and a curb. Originally I painted this. The photo was interesting, but in the painting those street/building elements were not working design wise as I had painted them. I decided it would be a better choice to eliminate them. I wiped those elements from my panel, leaving some rough drying brush marks and the color changes I’d made to the background. It turned out the removed elements had not been essential to my focus – the woman carrying the load on her head. I added some additional brushstrokes to enhance the abstraction, the painting was was done and I liked it. Quite by accident I’d created an urban street scene abstraction or what might remind me sadly of war torn Gaza as a background. (Photo reference by Daphne and Art Carlyle).

There will be one more painting from a Guatemalan photo reference and I’ll be done with that series. It will be a man.

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