Potted Red Geranium with Bocopa

Potted Red Geranium with Bacopa Oil Painting – 11×14 by Winifred

I’ve seen so many paintings of potted geraniums. Most often the plant is in a clay pot with a watering can next to it, perhaps in front of an old shed. You’ve seen those. Now I’ve painted my version with a simple background. In addition to the bright red geraniums, I love the accent of the Bacopa with it’s tiny white cluster of petals. Many people don’t know this plant but it is a wonderful, profusely blooming water loving plant that does well in containers, hanging baskets and even as a ground cover. There’s always some growing in my containers and one always finds it in bloom. I skipped using a clay pot, though I do love them. It’s a classic image item. I decided to use a ceramic pot instead. I’ve had this pot for a while but couldn’t plant in it because it didn’t have a drainage hole. Finally I saw a YouTube video that showed how to drill holes in glass, ceramic or clay pots. I immediately purchased diamond drill bits and put holes in all kind of glass containers. Anyway, this allowed me to grow a geranium in my pot. By the way, I propagated 14 new geraniums, last fall and they’re are all currently in bloom. The geranium I propagated is a different kind of geranium from this one with a very different color and petals. You’ll see it at some point.

Have a wonderful week and I hope this brings you cheer. I know – it kind of feels like Christmas. Winifred

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8 thoughts on “Potted Red Geranium with Bocopa

  1. This is a lovely, cheerful image. I feel the coolness of autumn upon us and the change in the plants. So this is a lovely sight to see.

    • Thank you Barbara, Actually there is more contrast in this photo if the painting than in the painting. I probably should have managed that better. Have a good day. Winifred

  2. Your lovely painting has me rememberIng my mother’s geraniums growing up, always bright red and lush like yours. I love your composition and the soft texture and, as always, your colors are exquisite

    • Thank you Maria. Some paintings I post grow for me weaker over time, some grow stronger. This one has fortunately grown stronger – it has grown on me more and more. W

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