Canal through Murano Italy

“Canal in Murano” (9 x12 inch oil painting on gesso board)

Murano Italy is home of some of the most amazing glass factories in the WORLD!!! It is where Venetian glass was created. In this painting, I’ve attempted to capture a canal running through Murano. However, I find that I’ve buried myself in details. Particularly – so many pilings!! I deliberated but thought I had to add them.

I was afraid that if I didn’t do so, the boats would drift aimlessly into the canal, bumping into each other and float away – what a mess that would be.  

Before Pilings

I’m discovering I like bold blocks of color without lots of fuss.

Starting to add boats

  As you can tell, the above painting phase is not developed, as it could have been, but you can see that it reflects a different possibility from the finished painting which is filled with boats and pilings.

Below, a quick value sketch. Notice, no value for boats!! I love this kind of loose abstraction.

Value Sketch

Below – Adding Initial Color (I love this kind of looseness).

adding initial color

I hope you enjoy seeing how my paintings evolve.  Notice, I didn’t show you the reference photo. I did this on purpose. It is to prevent you from looking back and forth comparing my painting to the photo. However, it is not intended to be compared. This is simply my interpretation – though for sure the photo contained lots of boats and pilings! 

You may think my images are out of order but that the way I chose to present them – it’s the way my mind works. Thank you for visiting my blog and please subscribe if you have not.  Thanks, Winifred

Before Pilings

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2 thoughts on “Canal through Murano Italy

  1. Hi Winifred, Now that you’ve started to paint traditionally again, are you still continuing to paint digitally? I love your work and have followed your painting. particularly when you were connected with DAA. I find lately, that digital art is getting too mechanical and technical, losing much of the excitement I felt and developed. I’ve been a fine artist for most of my life, discovered Corel and took the plunge. Loved my further development, learned much and produced exciting paintings I’m proud of! Loved taking classes in DAA until now! It would probably be hard to revert. Thank you for listening, you are much admired! Alice

    • Hi Alice,
      Right now, I am just focused on traditional oils. I also rather like the the fact that when the painting is done, I have it’s physicality. On the other hand, I might have liked an earlier version – it is gone, but I do have the file. I photograph my paintings in various stages. I agree that Painter is becoming increasing complex – in every possible way. I just want to pick up a brush and painting. I’ve not upgraded to Painter 2018. That thick paint can never look like my thick paint!! Most who use Painter, cannot draw, hence, they require the capacity of painter to allow them to work on a photo. I was happiest in Painter when I worked from imagination or from a reference photo – but not using the photo for content. Hence, I am very happy now with the traditional oils, creating my own sketches and painting. Are you saying it would be hard to revert back to traditional? You don’t have to keep upgrading in Painter. Just stay with a version where you’ve enjoyed the process and keep painting. You’re in charge. Keep painting!! Winifred

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