Modigliani Inspired Coming Soon to Digital Art Academy – Winifred Whitfield, Instructor

Hello Everyone,

What a busy time of the year! It is exhausting. It is a good thing I have painting to relax me. It is a hard time of the year for many and for so many different reasons – so hold them in your heart.  I wish everyone the best holiday season possible. It is  time to be grateful, to give and to reflect.

-Happy Holidays  from Winifred

During the past week, painting is the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing at night. I am preparing for my upcoming class at Digital Art Academy (DAA)  “MODIGLIANI INSPIRED” and I always like to  create several examples of the artist I am presenting. Before I introduce you to the painting style of an artist, I like to have a grasp on it myself –  I love what my new classes bring to me as well –  absolute joy and discovery.  DAA is closed at the moment for the holidays and transferring to a new server but keep this class in mind and I hope you will join me then, I will post additional info. Registration should open just after the first of the year. Class begins January 17th.

DAA Modiigliani - Winifred Whitfield

In  the above image I painted 3 inspired Modigliani images. This image represents lessons I have planned for you. However, during the second and third lesson, you will have the flexibility to paint what you like. You may paint a portrait in all three lessons if you so choose, a cityscape, a street scene, trees or a pet – but in an Modigliani inspired style..


Amedo cover revisedDuring the first tutorial,  I will discuss Modigliani’s life and his art. Throughout his life he was ill and without sufficient money. His paintings and sculptures  now sell up to $50 Million to $70 Million with a recent painting being the top seller at a London Christy’s auction, topping the sales of a Picasso.

BRITAIN-ENTERTAINMENT-ART-AUCTIONSold for $42,000.000.00 – 2013

I have been creating freehand sketches for you to use if you like, and gathering photos you might want to sketch from.  Below, I used this photo to create a quick hand sketch to paint.  As before, I have created more than enough tutorials and demos.

WW photo to sketch MODI

I am enjoying  creating  Modligiani inspired practice paintings of the long, twisted bodies and the hollow eyes.  As I have continued with my paintings, I have incorporated  some of his style elements into my style and that’s what it’s about anyway.  We want to take inspiration from this artist to bring to our work.  We will never paint like Modigliani, nor should we want.

Winifred Whitfield Modigliana Tutortial

Above is another  inspired painting you will watch me sketch freehand and then paint. It is actually painted as a demo of  the brush set included. I simply got carried away!

Well, all the best to you, your family and loved ones – now and throughout the year. If you have any questions please contact me. Cheers, Winifred Whitfield






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Matisse Inspired – In Conclusion


Hi Everyone,

Don’t you hate to feel this pause in our adventure!!  It will continue you know – in one form or another.

My news is that I am going to be consistently more active with my blog – especially if you sign up for it  – in the upper right corner of my Home Page.  You will only need to enter your email address to affirm that you want to be a subscriber. Then wait for my Blog Post  “every now and then”. You will not be overwhelmed with post for sure! There will be a very nice gift emailed to the first 15  who subscribe, so  “don’t delay – subscribe today” !!

Info will be provided on by blog beyond that which is posted on my Youtube channel.  If you are not a Youtube subscriber to my channel, please do so as well.  I have 60 or more videos with about 700 subscribers – and growing.  Winifred’s Youtube Channel

Winifred - Matisse Inslired

One last Painting.  The title on the cover of the video below is misleading  – this video is not a discussion about the course.  After it was recorded, uploaded, downloaded and a few other  complicated maneuvers required to post it here, I noticed that I had not removed the text  which was appropriate elsewhere – it was too late – no more!!  This video is the recording of a painting which you have not seen – I don’t think –  it also shows a few of my Matisse inspired paintings

Creating a Painting from Photo Sketch 2

 For those of you who were not in the course, it was offered at Digital Art Academy where I am an instructor.  Please check them out.  Set up an account and browse through the many course offerings available.  This course will be available again soon as “Open Enrollment”, allowing you to  download all course content and to work at your own pace.


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Treasured Subscribers

Dear Subscribers,

In an endeavor to improve my blog, to increase it;s frequency and quality of content,  some upgrades have been made. these upgrades unfortunately will remove you as a  subscriber.  I kindly request that you return to my site to enter your email address to resubscribe.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but I plan to make the changes beneficial to you.  thank you in advance. Winifred

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Winifred Whitfield – Offering Classes at Digital Art Academy

“MATISSE INSPIRED” Registration is open NOW!! Class starts September 1st, 2014

Instructor: Winifred Whitfield

There will be a class limit of 25 so please register soon. I am very excited. This is going to be so much fun for me and for you. It has been difficult – as you can imagine not showing you any of the images I have been painting both for my own practice and as examples but now I can begin to share a few with you. You won’t be creating my images, you will be creating your very own. They can be as simple or complex as you like. This image shows the themes, however, for the 3 weeks of class. 

Please Click here to Register

Matisse Inspired -DAAFB

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10 Steps to Painting Children with Painters “Real Watercolor” Preview

It is not difficult in fact one of my themes throughout is “to keep it simple”. I will show you everything you need to know to create a fun and “representative”  watercolor painting. I know you want to create some “fresh and modern” paintings of your children or grand children.  If you can clone using opaque media, you can clone using “real watercolor”.  You only need to know what brushes to choose. I have selected the brushes for you to use and guide you in their use every step of the way. I have put them in a brush category for you to use with this tutorial – I included images to paint also.  Adjustments will be minimal – just as with another brushes.   Trust me on this you will love this.

Does this process apply to children only? Of course not, In fact you can take your painting to greater levels of complexity and sophistication just as soon as you are ready. But the simple ones are beautiful also and stand on their on.  I have included everything you need in the extra content which comes with this tutorial.
The only thing missing is your expressive hand and your willingness to try. I hope you will.
Thanks for looking.
The full tutorial can be found in my store – Just Click Here, scroll down to this tutorial and click below it to read a more detailed description and to view pricing.  Thanks, W

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Winifred is Painting in Painter X3 with Watercolors

Real Watercolor Controls Basics

I am having so much fun.  I enjoy the creative journeys I take myself on.  Always so much to learn and so much new to create.

In this tutorial, I demonstrate how to make basic changes to your “Real Watercolor” Property Bar settings, in order to create customized brushes variants suited to your needs and taste. I manipulate settings one at a time, holding others constant, to demonstrate the effect. The difference between Digital WC, Watercolor and Real Watercolor is briefly described. After viewing this tutorial you will feel more confident in your ability to paint with Painter’s Real Watercolor and control your brushes. This tutorial is for users of Painter 12 as well. Personally, I am enjoying learning more about these brushes each day and the only way to do this is to paint and to experiment.

You will see several of my recent Painter “Real Watercolor” paintings in the video but I have added additional Watercolor practices paintings below.   I am constantly working on my brushstrokes.  One of my objectives it to use fewer strokes – to simplify my paintings.







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Painting with Pattern Pens Part 2

Please refer to previous post for Painting with Patterns – Video 1

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Making and Painting with Patterns

Hello Everyone,

You probably know by now that I love patterns and love to sketch, enhance,  or paint and fill with patterns.  This is a quick video to show you the process.  I hope you enjoy. Winifred

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Winifred Makes Portraits Paintings Sizzle

It is no secret that I love to paint and I am also considered a versatile painter.  I can create paintings in a variety of painting styles.  Some of  these images you will love, some you may not.  That is fine –  the idea is to create and personal paintings which you, your family or your clients will love in your personal style.

In several of my online galleries, you will see some beautiful but pretty traditional painting styles.  I have created this post to show you some ways I have ‘ramped’ it up a bit, including one painting from imagination and a couple of portrait paintings with patterns at the very bottom.  I can hardly believe how many “hats” I have painted.  I love to paint women in hats.  Even my painting from imagination included a hat. Alas, you might have guessed, I wear a sun hat everyday of the Summer if I am in the sun.

If you would like to increase your painting skills or if you are just starting as a beginner  one of my personalized training workshops, “Almost One to One” might be just what you are looking for. Please visit my Store to preview my Tutorials and take a look at my Personalized Training Workshops.

I hope you enjoy the images which follow.  Thank you.  Winifred Whitfield

Personalized Online Training – Almost One to One

Lady on a Pillow

Mysterious Lady with Veil


Lady of Gold – Painting from Imagination


Don’t Spill the Martini

Flower in Her Hair

Lady with Umbrella

Her Back

Big Curls

The Picture Taker


Girls Got to Have Fun

Yellow Hat

Flowers in Her Hat

I also enjoy Making and painting with Patterns in Painter.  The following are a couple of examples.

Lady with Pearls


Thank You! Winifred

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