By now you likely know the importance I find in just playing,” doodling” sometimes I call it. Just put that brush to canvas and see where it takes you. That is how the following painting was born. I was continuing to explore the Real Camelhair brush variant in the Oil Category of Corel Painter which will sample multiple colors. And so I “dipped” into blue and white and started to twirl – creating a “Van Gough” sky. And then yellow and more blue. OK – fun – time to form land. Waves of green began to form a hill side, and then the reverse then gave depth and perspective. Perhaps there should be trees, I thought, more twirls formed the trees and then the apples. Apples started to fall to the ground and to roll to low spots. Perhaps there should be children gathering them, I thought. Little girls appeared, two of them more interested in the collecting than the other – who read her book. I thought of body positions, sitting, reaching, bracing on a hillside. I was able to do this quickly and fluidly – I am always amazed when this happens. And so this cheerful illustrative painting came into being.
And so it goes sometimes, when I put brush to canvas.