Playtime Again

By now you likely know the importance I find in just playing,” doodling” sometimes I call it. Just put that brush to canvas and see where it takes you. That is how the following painting was born. I was continuing to explore the Real Camelhair brush variant in the Oil Category of Corel Painter which will sample multiple colors.  And so I “dipped” into blue and white and started to twirl – creating a “Van Gough” sky.   And then yellow and more blue. OK – fun – time to form land. Waves of green began to form a hill side, and then the reverse then gave depth and perspective.  Perhaps there should be trees, I thought, more twirls formed the trees and then the apples.  Apples started to fall  to the ground and to roll to low spots. Perhaps there should be children gathering them, I thought. Little girls appeared, two of them more interested in the collecting than the other – who read her book. I  thought of body positions, sitting, reaching, bracing on a hillside. I was able to do this quickly and fluidly – I am always amazed when this happens.  And so this cheerful illustrative painting came into being.

And so it goes sometimes, when I put brush to canvas.

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Corel Painter 12.1 Tutorial – Sampling Multiple Colors

Sometimes magic occurs in our paintings when we least expect it. I love that

By Winifred

There are times I want to talk about a painting.  Not in this case. This painting tells its own story very well.

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Create “Flower Girl” Portraits in Corel Painter or Photoshop

Creating Flower Girls

You have seen my “flower girls” posted in a previous blog. I made this video to show you how to create them. It is quick and easy  – unless you choose to paint them as I did.  But for this video, I chose to do a non painted demo just to show the technique. I think you will find it interesting –  I hope you will enjoy.

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Concept Artist Inspired Image

Allow Your Creativity to Soar

This was my  painting  yesterday.

Where does it all come from!

I like it.  It’s fun. Actually I was inspired by some of the concept artist – illustrators  who design for games and other animation.  This was my  twist on it.

Can you believe  even that the necklace was painted.  No photo here.  I have great brushes which do not come with Corel Painter – which allow me to create a painting like this – brushes created by David Gell

I never fully  envisioned this.  I just start with the sketchiest of an idea and keep putting one foot in front of the other following my inner guide.  If I had known what I was doing from the beginning, it would not take so long.

Download Concept Glow Brushes from Jitter Brush

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Merry Christmas from Winifred

Merry Christmas

I wish you a very Merry Christmas or  a happy holiday in whatever form you celebrate it.   I wish your spirits to experience joy and celebration.  As we look forward to 2012 we leave behind the challenges and opportunities of this year in anticipation of  greater joy and creativity for the year to come.  It will be as we make it.  Whether you  spend the holidays alone, or with friends or family, our happiness lives within us.  I wish you peace. Winifred

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Creating Warmth and Mood with Color and Light

Color harmony, warm tones and light help to create mood and beauty.

This is a  painting I created  recently with what is probably my favorite color palette.

I love gold, brown and red tones.

There was no cloning involved in creating this image, not even a vase of flowers to look at.  I just opened Painter and started to paint.  I painted a background . I then painted the other elements of the bouquet on layers – all the while envisioning direction of light. Strong composition is always important.

During our workshops we will discuss the importance  of these elements in creating a pleasing painting.  Happy Holidays. Warmly, Winifred

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An Average Day in NY

Perhaps there is nothing really average about any day in New York.  First I met a new friend at the new Dream Hotel on 16th ST.  I has been open only 6 months.  It is a “boutique hotel” and the decor is just stunning.  I wanted to view his rug  samples – i am going to design a line of high end  contemporary rugs.

Then we went off for a great lunch followed by a preview an upcoming art auction at Christies Auction House.  WOW!! I could have been at a museum.  One of our favorites if not the favorite was a Keith Haring print. It was a large piece, had a real story to it and very powerful graphics.  I didn’t attend the auction a couple of days later – but HE GOT IT!!!!!

Then I went to the  Rockefeller Center ice skating rink. It is very near Christies Auction. Such a beautiful day – somewhere between cool and warm. It was delightful to see the skaters.

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Winifred Whitfield Featured Artist at ChocMo’s Grand Opening

Staying in Motion

Some wise person ~ I forgot who ~  said to  ” stay in motion”.  Some might think this includes  just “spinning your wheels, digging deeper and going no where, but I have never found this to be the case for me. I think Peter Crabtree would agree. He stays in motion also.  A friend of mine, Bonita Doerkson suggested that we have a glass of wine one evening.  “Let’s go to ChocMo” she said – “it’s just opening.”   For a glass of wine – no problem for me.  I entered this new space – only open for 3 days at the time – at least as the newly expanded and renamed place that is is.  Many know the previous and smaller version CBC.  I never really knew what it was. I knew it had something to do with chocolates but this is not one of my addictions – as it is for most.  I found this new environment lovely.  It was elegant.  I liked it’s spaciousness, the textures and color of  the wood used and the color of the walls and furniture.   It was so me!

It was a quiet evening so we had the opportunity to visit with Peter Crabtree, it’s owner.  I also had the opportunity to hear his story and his vision for this  altered and expanded venture.  Many know the story of Peter’s beginnings with chocolates in high school only 6 years ago.  He was taking a culinary class and had the opportunity to make chocolates – the kind with the hard outside and the soft center.  Peter was immediately fascinated with this.  He began to make and sell chocolates after school, then at the farmer’s markets, then had the small retail space just next to the State Liquor  store in Poulsbo  … and now … introducing ChocMo.

The much bigger, much fancier, expanded version of Peter’s dream

Now it is much more than chocolates.  I ask Peter that night what he was going to do with all of those blank walls.  “I want to feature a new artist each month” he replied.    Well, we figured this out in only and instant and he did not have much longer that that before his “Grand Opening would occur about 10 days away.  If I can respond at all, I can normally respond at great speed.  I brought one load of my beautifully framed portraits back that night, and the next load a couple of days later.   Creating a professional looking installation of about 30 large pieces was another matter and for this I went to Derek Gundy, quite and excellent artist himself who manages Artist Edge in Poulsbo.

Winifred’s portrait exhibit and the environment Peter created are beautiful together.

The portraits will be in place through the end of May. They will then be transported and exhibited in Columbia Bank in Port Ludlow, WA  during the month of June.



And then there was the GRAND Opening  on April 30th and what a day it was.








A good and a very delicious time was had by all.

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Winifred Whitfield in LONDON 2011

Winifred in London

I traveled to London January 12, 2011  to  conduct workshops at the annual Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers Convention and trade show.

Exciting enough as that was, it was also the day that I finally closed on the sale of my Poulsbo, Washington farm.  It had been a 3 year process.

I guess London was what you might expect  –  beautiful and raining.  On this trip, however, I ventured

a bit further from the convention center than I had the prior year.  This trip was special because

Michelle Rumney met me and guided me on my adventure. Michelle is a fine artist painter and has a coaching business

Room at the Edge. She currently lives in London.

Michelle Rumney

Portrait painting of Michelle Rumney, lit by natural light coming from the courtyard of the Westminster Abbey,

London. January 13,2011 She ask me what I wanted to do. I told her that on this brief trip, if I could only visit

Westminster Abbey, I would be happy. So, that was our point of destination.

Westminster Abbey

Armed with my Canon G9, I also set about taking photos like any self respecting tourist.

It was painful to be in the magnificent Westminster Abbey and not be allowed to take photos.

Hence, I tried to soak up the experience with my thoughts, my feelings – my soul.


Lunch at Westminster Abbey

It was special at the end of our tour and headed out of the Abbey to see this long row of

school  children in uniform eating their lunch.

I knew instantly that ti would make for a interesting fine art image.


London Bus

An image of a big red London bus was a must have. The vivid colors were inspired by

a workshop I took from fine art  digital artist Marilyn Sholin – which is one of her trade marks.



I saw thss display in a small park and was fascinated by it.  these figures are made of stone and

the  display is called SILENCE


Ferris Wheel in London

You have no idea just how high  this ferris wheel loomed in the sky.  it was stunning!


As I returned from London, I was in the Vancouver BC Airport when suddenly before me

was a large tank of brightly colored Jellyfish. I think they were performing a ballet.


I also got to visit with other friends in London, David Hunt, a very talented internet media designer and

who designed this very website and also  and Claudia Crawley, owner of  Winning Ways Coaching.

It was s solidly good trip which I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Winifred and the Upside-Down-Machine

Well, this is indeed pretty unusual – me posting image of myself being silly.  However, I think it exactly the thing to do – not to take ones self too seriously.

Today there was a grand opening of Big Five. So, after having my fingernails done, I went there with a friend to celebrate and of course to have great snacks.  as we moved through the store, we spotted what I will call the “upside down machine”.  I was ready to play.  I didn’t know how to work things so we called for assistance.  A very pleasant young man came over to us.  When I previously indicated my interest to another lady, she said to me, ” I will have to get someone to adjust your feet into the machine so you don’t slip down and break you neck. I was happy  to have his assistance.  He adjusted the machine for my height. I then properly installed my feet, placed my arms on the arm rest and went backward.

45 degrees backward felt really good. Vertical was not very interesting.  At one point I exclaimed my perfect position.  Everyone laughed – turns out I was laying flat.

They told me that I only needed a hammock!  However, we were able to get a few fun and funny shots. It was a fun event.

I wish Big Five great success and I thank them for allowing us to have such an enjoyable time.

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