Sunflowers against Blue

Two Sunflowers on Blue Oil Painting 12×16 by Winifred

Thick paint and vivid colors make me happy, though there’s still a little work to be done. These sunflowers, also featured in my last painting, were the last two left from the bouquet. They were still good but coming to an end. The petals of these flowers were unusual. Rather than “pointy” they were ovals and many had completely rounded ends. I’m not sure I have ever seen such before. For sure. I’ve never grown any which look like this. I’ll have to ask Trader Joe where they come from. I could have saved seeds but this is only occurring to me at this very moment.

I have a new light in the studio which offers a wide range of lighting styles for still life set ups, which is likely why you feel a sense of spot light on these flowers – because it is. Hope you enjoy and have a great week. Winifred

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4 thoughts on “Sunflowers against Blue

  1. The Sunflower shades against the blue background is a stunning combination, Winifred. Kudos!

    • Yes it is Dee and thank you. I think I’ll be a bit riskier with the colors next time – just to stretch!

  2. This brightened my day, The golden flowers against the blue of the background and vase is beautiful.

    • Thank you Betsy. It’s always a beautiful and winning color combination but I have to be careful not to use it too often. Hope you are well and very busy.

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