After the beautiful red long stemmed tulips faded, this shorter stemmed ruffly variety in intense rose/red and purple tulips emerged. They reminded me of roses and I assure you they were equally complex to paint. I had planted this variety in a flower pot on the edge of a little walkway to my front door where I could see them easily even from indoors. I photographed them about 5 times during the changing light of day allowing me to have a choice of lighting and color. I guess it’s no surprise that I went with the most high contrast and vivid version of color though the other lighting versions were pretty also. Below is the first painting I created and I like it though the photo does it no justice.
The light was cooler on this day, hence an overall cool tone is also. Even these tulips have faded now but I certainly enjoyed them. My neighbors have also. I am pleased that I captured these memories. I have tried over wintering bulbs but have not been successful. I won’t even try this year. I will toss the plants into my compost and start fresh next year. I enjoy the various varieties that are being created year to year. I also share bulbs and pots of bulbs with my nearest neighbors – about 4 different neighbors this time. I know they love them though they might not obtain them for themselves. My Itoh Peony is full of buds, just about ready to bloom. I’m very excited about this.
Well, I’ve had a nice break from portraits. I said I would do a portrait painting for this week but got caught up in tulips. I should have saved these flowers for Mother’s Day. Oh well! I really think I will have a new portrait next time unless one of those peonies blooms! Have a wonderful week. Winifred