10 Steps to Painting Children with Painters “Real Watercolor” Preview

It is not difficult in fact one of my themes throughout is “to keep it simple”. I will show you everything you need to know to create a fun and “representative”  watercolor painting. I know you want to create some “fresh and modern” paintings of your children or grand children.  If you can clone using opaque media, you can clone using “real watercolor”.  You only need to know what brushes to choose. I have selected the brushes for you to use and guide you in their use every step of the way. I have put them in a brush category for you to use with this tutorial – I included images to paint also.  Adjustments will be minimal – just as with another brushes.   Trust me on this you will love this.

Does this process apply to children only? Of course not, In fact you can take your painting to greater levels of complexity and sophistication just as soon as you are ready. But the simple ones are beautiful also and stand on their on.  I have included everything you need in the extra content which comes with this tutorial.
The only thing missing is your expressive hand and your willingness to try. I hope you will.
Thanks for looking.
The full tutorial can be found in my store – Just Click Here, scroll down to this tutorial and click below it to read a more detailed description and to view pricing.  Thanks, W

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Making and Painting with Patterns

Hello Everyone,

You probably know by now that I love patterns and love to sketch, enhance,  or paint and fill with patterns.  This is a quick video to show you the process.  I hope you enjoy. Winifred

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Corel Painter 12.1 GRADIENTS

All About Gradients

This week, I posted a video about ways to create and use Gradients in Corel Painter 12.1.  I often use gradients in painter.  Filling  a canvas with a gradient or using it as an overlay  is a good way to quickly get some color on your canvas and often sparks the next creative idea.

In this video, you will learn how to create a two-point gradient and how to save it, how to create a custom color gradient from a strip, (1000 pixels wide by 50 pixels deep), save it and capture the icon, and how to create your own gradient library.  To add additional gradient  collections to your libraries, please to to Corel Painters “extra content” page or click on the direct link  to the extra content on my RESOURCES blog page. I hope you enjoy this video. Winifred.

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Corel Painter 12.1 Tutorial – Creating Multi Color Brush Strokes

Multi color brush strokes add to the richness of this painting.

Create multiple colors in your brush strokes by:

1) varying hue, saturation and value (HSV),

2) select color from a gradient or,

3) select color from an entire color set.

I am sure you will  enjoy creating more colorful and expressive brush strokes.  The set of brushes I referred to are called Desert Oasis.  They are watercolor brushes and would have to be converted to “cover” if they are to be used as a non watercolor variant. They can be found at Skip Allen Paints Blog along with many other brush sets he makes available for free.

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Corel Painter 12.1 Tutorials – Creating Painter LOOKS

It is easy  to create custom and accessible brush and texture combinations called “LOOKS” in Corel Painter 12.1

I have created a custom “splatter look” with a specific brush and paper

to simulate the look spattered paint in the image below.

I  can now apply this”spatter” effect to any image with just the click of a “look”.

I hope  you enjoy this video, I would love to receive your comments and feedback.


Winifred Whitfield  is a portrait painter, a fine art painter and teaches digital painting using  Corel Painter and Photoshop.

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Corel Painter 12.1 – Painting Dancers

Painting Dancers

I love painting dancers though I have not created many such paintings.  I am changing this. I enjoyed painting the variations below in Corel Painter 12.1.

Watch the video to see how I create the four variations of this painting. Unfortunately, there is not enough time in the 15 minutes to demonstrate the initial painting.

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Corel Painter 12.1 – Creating a Sketch

Creating s sketch of your subject allows for additional creativity and expression in your painting. A sketch in itself might become a finished work of art. Learn to sketch by hand. This video will inspire you to do so.

Below is the final painting.

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Corel Painter 12.1 Tutorial – Sampling Multiple Colors

Sometimes magic occurs in our paintings when we least expect it. I love that

By Winifred

There are times I want to talk about a painting.  Not in this case. This painting tells its own story very well.

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Concept Artist Inspired Image

Allow Your Creativity to Soar

This was my  painting  yesterday.

Where does it all come from!

I like it.  It’s fun. Actually I was inspired by some of the concept artist – illustrators  who design for games and other animation.  This was my  twist on it.

Can you believe  even that the necklace was painted.  No photo here.  I have great brushes which do not come with Corel Painter – which allow me to create a painting like this – brushes created by David Gell

I never fully  envisioned this.  I just start with the sketchiest of an idea and keep putting one foot in front of the other following my inner guide.  If I had known what I was doing from the beginning, it would not take so long.

Download Concept Glow Brushes from Jitter Brush

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Merry Christmas from Winifred

Merry Christmas

I wish you a very Merry Christmas or  a happy holiday in whatever form you celebrate it.   I wish your spirits to experience joy and celebration.  As we look forward to 2012 we leave behind the challenges and opportunities of this year in anticipation of  greater joy and creativity for the year to come.  It will be as we make it.  Whether you  spend the holidays alone, or with friends or family, our happiness lives within us.  I wish you peace. Winifred

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